Over-the-Counter Equities
FINRA publishes data for over-the-counter (OTC) equities, which are securities reported to a FINRA equity trade reporting system, as opposed to on a centralized exchange. An OTC equity issue is generally considered to be an equity issue that is not a national market system (NMS) stock traded on a national issues exchange. Published data includes symbol changes, equity short interest, market statistics, thresholds and trading halts.
OTCE Events At-a-Glance
OTCE Events for: Thursday, March 13, 2025
Total | |
Daily List | 0 |
Additions | 0 |
Deletions | 0 |
Symbol/Name Changes | 0 |
Security Attribute Changes | 0 |
Bankruptcy | 0 |
Dividends/Distributions/Splits | 0 |
Trading Halts | 0 |
Market Statistics
Last Month Statistics:
Issues | 0 |
Share Volume | 0 |
Dollar Volume ($) | 0 |